Online Yoga Sports Championship Timeslots
Registrations close and routines must be submitted no later than Friday 14th May 2021.
During the week of May 17, 2021, we will update this page with the timeslot each competitor or competitor group (for studios) will be allocated for the event. If your name does not appear here before the event starts, please contact us!
Competition Time Slots:
Competition Rules:
As this is a live event there are a few additional/alternative rules that will have to be implemented. These rules have been created due to the restrictions of the technology involved and running a live event using Zoom. Please remember these rules are in place for the sole purpose of running a smooth live internet event.
In addition to our standard YSAA Competition Rules and Posture Guidelines which can also be found on our Guidelines page, the following Online Competition rules have been implemented:
Additional Online Rules:
- Registrations close and routines must be submitted no later than Friday 9th Oct.
- There will be no changes of postures after the registration closes, (unless due to injury whereby a letter can be sent to YSAA for consideration of a routine change)
a) no ‘calling’ of different postures during the routine
b) scoring penalties for doing postures out of registration order still apply - There will be no appeals during this competition
- For your routine to be judged please ensure the following:
- full view all body parts at all times during the routine
- the camera must not be angled up or down on the competitor
- a light solid colour background
Failure to comply with these items will result in the posture or the routine being scored a zero depending on the severity.
- If there are technical issues during the routine, at the end of the routine the competitor will be given 2 options:
a) take a score of 0 for the affected posture(s)
or b) redo the whole routine. This can only be done once, further technical issues will result in the affected posture(s) being scored a zero. Examples of technical issues are, but not limited to;
- a competitor’s image freezes and three judges are unable to make a determination of skill
- the time judge is unable to time the posture
In terms of time slots for your routine, each group, either studio or individual will be contacted by the YSAA and allocated a “no earlier than” time slot fair to their timezone. If you miss your time slot, you will be scored a zero for your routine.
A member from the YSAA will be available to test your camera setup and room before the event if desired.